Thursday, February 14, 2013

Essie Pretty Edgy

Hi everyone, this one was hard to photograph but I honestly don't have any knowledge of cameras so I'm just winging it. I used the same settings for all my photos. I realise that it still isn't the best quality but I don't know how to optimize my settings. It is simply not my forte. Anyway, this color is one of those colors which I really like and I find alot of people would like too. Although it is showing up kinda yellow in the picture, it really isn't that way in real life. It looks much more green than anything else. The tiny hint of yellow is apart of the polish that I have never noticed before. Or maybe it's just getting old. I love this color tho. It's not too dark and is just bright enough for my personal preference. It reminds me of a relaxing day at the beach, sipping on drinks and sunbathing. Hehe.

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